Brigante Zero Rosato Calabria IGT2

Brigante Zero Rosato Calabria IGT

  • Volume: 750ml

This wine is made from 100% Greco Bianco, a white varietal brought to Calabria by the ancient Greeks that is now rarely seen.

Brigante 0727 Ciro DOC Rosso Superiore Riserva

Brigante 0727 Ciro DOC Rosso Superiore Riserva

  • Volume: 750ml

Red wine with an intense ruby ​​color and orange highlights. Spicy notes on the nose with pleasant hints of ripe plum and currant. Full-bodied on the palate with dense tannins, well-balanced and with excellent acidity; long and persistent finish.

Brigante ETEFE Ciro DOC Rosso Classico

Brigante ETEFE Ciro DOC Rosso Classico

  • Volume: 750ml

Ruby red wine with orange highlights, velvety and dry. Spicy notes on the nose with hints of almonds and plums. Leather notes and persistent acidity on the palate; full-bodied with a long and pleasant finish.

Brigante Manyari Ciro DOC Rosato

Brigante Manyari Ciro DOC Rosato

  • Volume: 750ml

Pale pink wine. On the nose it presents intense floral aromas, hints of fresh fruit and notes of cherry and ripe black cherry. On the palate pleasant acidity with persistent fresh sensations. Pleasant final closure of small red fruits.



Brigante Phemina Bianco Ciro DOC

  • Volume: 750ml

White wine with a bright straw yellow color with greenish reflections. Fruity notes on the nose that recall lemon, grapefruit and wild bellflower. Great flavor on the palate with well-expressed acidity and a pleasant citrus vein.